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Thoughts: Acne.
(This blog, thanks to Stephanie Long Lomenick)
This blog: 1) Acne2) Myths3 cure acne) As acne is caused cause4 root) How to get rid of your acne forever and forever5) Action Plan for Acne Fast
Acne is a skin condition. About 60% of world population suffers from less severe acne. Who has not encountered the dreaded "pimple" at some point in their lives, when one of the most common acne, all skin diseases.
Acne is not normal and should not happen at any age.
Acne is not inherited. And you do not have acne throughout their lives.
If you have already spoken to a dermatologist, they often say that acne is a natural thing because of genetics. That's not true. Acne is a sign that something is wrong with the body, and unless you do something now, you can get other health problems later in life.
So it is best to treat your acne now rather than wait.
Do not spend money on expensive treatments or creams ... The industry is not necessary to acne caused millions of dollars from your acne, they love it
Here are some natural remedies you can do to clear your acne fast and forever
First here are some of the myths of acne that fundamentally we have to understand any "product" they are doing a lot of money with you, is not the answer.
Cure Acne Myth: cleaning, gels, lotions, creams, acids and other topics are extremely unlikely to clear up your acne. The reason they are useless because they do not come close to handling the cause of acne. The simple fact is that using something like baking soda, which cost only the ear is more effective than most acne cleansers on the market.
Cure Acne Myth: Antibiotics kill bacteria on the skin involved in the final stage of the development of acne. The bacteria on the skin is transformed and becomes resistant to antibiotics. However, the healthy bacteria in the intestines does not mutate, and become blurred. This may mean that you have acne worse than normal.
Myth cure acne: Accutane. It's amazing that doctors prescribe the dangerous drug paid work for their patients. Avoid.
Acne Care Myths: Overwashing and Underwashing. If overwash your face, your skin will be dry. This can aggravate acne, but apparently Overwashing is not a cause of acne. Similarly, if underwash your face skin and fat that can aggravate acne, as well. The best thing is to wash your face twice a day, morning and evening or at bedtime.
The only way to cure your acne is to treat the cause of acne.
The main cause is the simple underlying reason for acne sufferers. Rather notbad genes or something to do with hygiene.
And guess what ': the companies greedy acne does not want you to know what it is ...
TOXIC your body is acidic, which creates too much acid in the body to handle, and then pushes its way out through the skin. And you can imagine the smell of armpits and the Department of poo acne. Acne will show you how shocked out of the inside of the body. And more aggressive acne, it says "stop stop stop your body is toxic and must clean up" so that forces you to do something about it. And then you do nothing, and you would put creeam full of chemicals, is the hope that the artificial atoms can be cleaned with something that is clean. And 'activtates exacerbated by the body and the body pushes back even further to see that no work or treatment of cream, the only thing you can do to prevent this skin condition ever look inside. Now you can see, how to use the cream on your acne is not good?
Blackheads may suggest the need for better hygiene, or magnesium and vitamin A. chronic, many whites may also form during acne outbreaks, suggesting vitamin B1 deficiency or absorption problems (which is why colic is a heaven, it draws on the sludge kept themselves to your walls intestinal and gives your digestive system to work and absorb nutrients). Consistently raised spots on the outside of the arms and sometimes even the thighs, resembling "chicken skin" may suggest need for magnesium, vitamin A and essential fatty acids and the need to avoid foods that inhibit the absorption of these nutrients, such as trans fatty acids in margarine and hydrogenated oils such as cottonseed oil and palm kernel oil.
Chemicals that cause acid in the body that creates acne: facial creams, soaps, shampoos, make-up
Foods that cause acid in the body that creates acne: Some foods can aggravate acne conditions because of its high acid forming effects in the body, stay away from fried foods trans fat iodized salt Alcohol all processed foods, chocolate, fruit juices, soft drinks, caffeinated beverages, all dairy products from the beef, pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, long-term excessive consumption of seafood or food high in iodine can also cause other acne in some people .- Pasta white vinegar pan-bread biscuits, Tamari soy sauce, condiments (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.), artificial sweeteners, honey, drinks soda, coffee, tea, beer, liquor, juice, cow's milk food Smoothies traditional convenience-wave Chocolates Food Canned foods powdered soups meal of fast food, instant fats and oils and fat-saturated, hydrogenated oils margarine ( worse than Butter) corn oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, cashews, pistachios, sunflower
The remedy for acne forever (Are you really ready for your acne to go always?) Eat alkaline foods for alkalizers your body, your body organs to rest and acne will dissolve and disappear thereafter. Acne can not survive in an alkaline body. Read my blog Day 34 on the alkaline and acid.
Alkaline foods: vegetables, asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, radish, lambs lettuce, zucchini Swedish-PEA-red cabbage, watercress, leeks, spinach, turnips, carrots, onions, beets, beans, celery, herb garlic (wheat straw, barley, dog, kamut etc.) Cucumber Broccoli Kale, Brussels sprouts
Fruit-Lemon-Lime, avocado, tomato, grapefruit, watermelon (neutral) Rhubarb
Beverages-'Green Drinks' Fresh vegetable juice Pure water (distilled or ionized) water lemon (pure water + fresh lemon or lime) .- herbal teas, vegetable broth, almond milk
Seeds, Nuts & Kernels, Almonds, Pumpkin, Sunflower Oil Sesame Spelt Buckwheat-Lin - Lentils-cumin seeds germinated Any
Fats & Oils Flax Hemp Avocado Olive Evening Primrose Borage-Oil-Coconut oil mixtures (such as Udo's Choice)
Andr-Sprouts (soy, alfalfa, mung bean, wheat, radish little, chick peas, broccoli, etc.)-Bragg liquid aminos (soy sauce alternative)-Hummus-Tahini
General approach: Stick to salads, vegetables and nuts and healthy oils. Try to eat plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 liters of clean, pure water per day (ideally enhanced with drops of pH).
mmmm happiness fruits and vegetables Chillin in my place
Rapid Action Plan for Acne
First massage your skin, if needed, with bergamot, camphor, geranium, juniper, lavender, or neroli essential oil.
2nd Ayurvedic practitioners recommend making a paste c. teaspoon each of turmeric and sandalwood paste with enough water, and applying to pimples. Also, drink a half cup of aloe vera juice twice a day until the acne disappears.
3. Eat a Whole Foods organic food, with lots of cooked and raw vegetables, and whole fruits. Eating alkaline foods as I suggested above.
4. Drink eight glasses of pure filtered water per day. In addition, daily two glasses of raw juice, combining carrot, beet, celery or carrot juice, cucumber and lettuce (not iceberg), and spinach, with a predominance of the base.
5. Combine the tinctures of herbs such as sarsaparilla, burdock, and cleavers in equal parts, taking tsp three times a day. Drink an infusion of nettle several times a day and use tea tree oil at the local level. The infusion of calendula mixed with equal parts of distilled witch hazel can be used to wash clean. Steam your face, red clover, lavender, and strawberry leaves.
Pictures/SnapShot :

Thoughts: Acne.
(This blog, thanks to Stephanie Long Lomenick)
This blog: 1) Acne2) Myths3 cure acne) As acne is caused cause4 root) How to get rid of your acne forever and forever5) Action Plan for Acne Fast
Acne is a skin condition. About 60% of world population suffers from less severe acne. Who has not encountered the dreaded "pimple" at some point in their lives, when one of the most common acne, all skin diseases.
Acne is not normal and should not happen at any age.
Acne is not inherited. And you do not have acne throughout their lives.
If you have already spoken to a dermatologist, they often say that acne is a natural thing because of genetics. That's not true. Acne is a sign that something is wrong with the body, and unless you do something now, you can get other health problems later in life.
So it is best to treat your acne now rather than wait.
Do not spend money on expensive treatments or creams ... The industry is not necessary to acne caused millions of dollars from your acne, they love it
Here are some natural remedies you can do to clear your acne fast and forever
First here are some of the myths of acne that fundamentally we have to understand any "product" they are doing a lot of money with you, is not the answer.
Cure Acne Myth: cleaning, gels, lotions, creams, acids and other topics are extremely unlikely to clear up your acne. The reason they are useless because they do not come close to handling the cause of acne. The simple fact is that using something like baking soda, which cost only the ear is more effective than most acne cleansers on the market.
Cure Acne Myth: Antibiotics kill bacteria on the skin involved in the final stage of the development of acne. The bacteria on the skin is transformed and becomes resistant to antibiotics. However, the healthy bacteria in the intestines does not mutate, and become blurred. This may mean that you have acne worse than normal.
Myth cure acne: Accutane. It's amazing that doctors prescribe the dangerous drug paid work for their patients. Avoid.
Acne Care Myths: Overwashing and Underwashing. If overwash your face, your skin will be dry. This can aggravate acne, but apparently Overwashing is not a cause of acne. Similarly, if underwash your face skin and fat that can aggravate acne, as well. The best thing is to wash your face twice a day, morning and evening or at bedtime.
The only way to cure your acne is to treat the cause of acne.
The main cause is the simple underlying reason for acne sufferers. Rather notbad genes or something to do with hygiene.
And guess what ': the companies greedy acne does not want you to know what it is ...
TOXIC your body is acidic, which creates too much acid in the body to handle, and then pushes its way out through the skin. And you can imagine the smell of armpits and the Department of poo acne. Acne will show you how shocked out of the inside of the body. And more aggressive acne, it says "stop stop stop your body is toxic and must clean up" so that forces you to do something about it. And then you do nothing, and you would put creeam full of chemicals, is the hope that the artificial atoms can be cleaned with something that is clean. And 'activtates exacerbated by the body and the body pushes back even further to see that no work or treatment of cream, the only thing you can do to prevent this skin condition ever look inside. Now you can see, how to use the cream on your acne is not good?
Blackheads may suggest the need for better hygiene, or magnesium and vitamin A. chronic, many whites may also form during acne outbreaks, suggesting vitamin B1 deficiency or absorption problems (which is why colic is a heaven, it draws on the sludge kept themselves to your walls intestinal and gives your digestive system to work and absorb nutrients). Consistently raised spots on the outside of the arms and sometimes even the thighs, resembling "chicken skin" may suggest need for magnesium, vitamin A and essential fatty acids and the need to avoid foods that inhibit the absorption of these nutrients, such as trans fatty acids in margarine and hydrogenated oils such as cottonseed oil and palm kernel oil.
Chemicals that cause acid in the body that creates acne: facial creams, soaps, shampoos, make-up
Foods that cause acid in the body that creates acne: Some foods can aggravate acne conditions because of its high acid forming effects in the body, stay away from fried foods trans fat iodized salt Alcohol all processed foods, chocolate, fruit juices, soft drinks, caffeinated beverages, all dairy products from the beef, pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, long-term excessive consumption of seafood or food high in iodine can also cause other acne in some people .- Pasta white vinegar pan-bread biscuits, Tamari soy sauce, condiments (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.), artificial sweeteners, honey, drinks soda, coffee, tea, beer, liquor, juice, cow's milk food Smoothies traditional convenience-wave Chocolates Food Canned foods powdered soups meal of fast food, instant fats and oils and fat-saturated, hydrogenated oils margarine ( worse than Butter) corn oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, cashews, pistachios, sunflower
The remedy for acne forever (Are you really ready for your acne to go always?) Eat alkaline foods for alkalizers your body, your body organs to rest and acne will dissolve and disappear thereafter. Acne can not survive in an alkaline body. Read my blog Day 34 on the alkaline and acid.
Alkaline foods: vegetables, asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, radish, lambs lettuce, zucchini Swedish-PEA-red cabbage, watercress, leeks, spinach, turnips, carrots, onions, beets, beans, celery, herb garlic (wheat straw, barley, dog, kamut etc.) Cucumber Broccoli Kale, Brussels sprouts
Fruit-Lemon-Lime, avocado, tomato, grapefruit, watermelon (neutral) Rhubarb
Beverages-'Green Drinks' Fresh vegetable juice Pure water (distilled or ionized) water lemon (pure water + fresh lemon or lime) .- herbal teas, vegetable broth, almond milk
Seeds, Nuts & Kernels, Almonds, Pumpkin, Sunflower Oil Sesame Spelt Buckwheat-Lin - Lentils-cumin seeds germinated Any
Fats & Oils Flax Hemp Avocado Olive Evening Primrose Borage-Oil-Coconut oil mixtures (such as Udo's Choice)
Andr-Sprouts (soy, alfalfa, mung bean, wheat, radish little, chick peas, broccoli, etc.)-Bragg liquid aminos (soy sauce alternative)-Hummus-Tahini
General approach: Stick to salads, vegetables and nuts and healthy oils. Try to eat plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 liters of clean, pure water per day (ideally enhanced with drops of pH).
mmmm happiness fruits and vegetables Chillin in my place
Rapid Action Plan for Acne
First massage your skin, if needed, with bergamot, camphor, geranium, juniper, lavender, or neroli essential oil.
2nd Ayurvedic practitioners recommend making a paste c. teaspoon each of turmeric and sandalwood paste with enough water, and applying to pimples. Also, drink a half cup of aloe vera juice twice a day until the acne disappears.
3. Eat a Whole Foods organic food, with lots of cooked and raw vegetables, and whole fruits. Eating alkaline foods as I suggested above.
4. Drink eight glasses of pure filtered water per day. In addition, daily two glasses of raw juice, combining carrot, beet, celery or carrot juice, cucumber and lettuce (not iceberg), and spinach, with a predominance of the base.
5. Combine the tinctures of herbs such as sarsaparilla, burdock, and cleavers in equal parts, taking tsp three times a day. Drink an infusion of nettle several times a day and use tea tree oil at the local level. The infusion of calendula mixed with equal parts of distilled witch hazel can be used to wash clean. Steam your face, red clover, lavender, and strawberry leaves.
Pictures/SnapShot :

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