Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient

While driving home from a friend, I passed the Dublin pub, a local watering hole known for its live music. The reader board, the name of a band caught my attention: ... Woo. I did a little diggi
When I ran into the house of a friend, I passed the Dublin pub, a local watering hole known for its live music. On the advice reader, took a group name of my eye: Spontaneous Woo.I do a little digging and learned that the group comes from Bay City, Michigan, and offers a mix of funk / jazz. The term "spontaneous woo" refers to a reaction of the audience is often seen at concerts, where a wave of enthusiasm culminates in a characteristic rash of exclamations.Now happy, there is a universal human experience. There is nothing like renting a joyous, spontaneous "Woo" when things go our way. We can customize our Woo, making it out like "Yess" or "Sweeeeeet" or even "Woo-hoo" There is a right word for this in any language. No matter what triggers this reaction, we know that it means something good happened. We recognize the courting, whether inspired by simple pleasures and milestones, as a celebration of goodness.
"Good" can be a moving target, but Aristotle, there was like the whole idea of ??goals. He used Greekword "telos" which was the term used to describe an archery bull's-eye. This is a simple mental image - a large circle with a dot in the middle.
Teleology refers to the study of objective things. Aristotle believed that everything in nature has a purpose or goal. One thing is good if it serves its purpose, fulfills its mission, or hits the target. The world consists of interdependent purposes.According to Aristotle, our goal is to think of living a good life. We must use our brains to think, to appreciate the complexity of the universe, to gain a better understanding of our role as human beings, and be happy. In fulfilling our role as thinkers, we live for this purpose we live a good life.
Aristotle had much to do for him to try to remain morally, while becoming wealthy. His most famous student, the classic overachiever Alexander the Great, clearly never got the point of moderation. The focus of Aristotle on the ground in the Middle lost in all the excitement about continuing what you like.Hmmmm. Much like modern life, right? What kind of life would Aristotle suggests that we live in the middle of everything in the 21 century? What does moderation mean today? Rich people are not necessarily more or less moral than anyone else, but they are tested more than the rest of us. They have the means to live a lifestyle too if they choose to do so. If you live together, your morals - or lack thereof - is magnified for the world to see. Add a pinch of celebrity and a stint on television, and you begin to act as a sort example.This is where we get the confusion between "good life" and "the good life."
Why? And 'because we are curious about the choices, and we wonder what to do given the same circumstances.Seeing houses, furniture, cars, and gives us an idea of ??what is valued in the individual. Let's look at why we ask ourselves what choices we wouldmake if we had the same bank account. We would have been exaggerated? We should simply live? We would be in bad taste or good taste? We would horrify the neighbors or to build a better community? With our children to be kind, compassionate and generous, or if they were self-centered brats a great sense of justice? We would like Sting - or Ozzy Osbourne? We would like Sofia Coppola's daughter - or Paris Hilton? Most of us, uh, luck has not been tempted to live without limits. Without being fully tested, we do not know how to price in the world of money and great visibility.
The wonderful thing about living a good life is that it is possible to do so at any economic level. You can live a good life in poverty or wealth. Although we tend to think that it's much easier to be an excellent human being, when we have enough money in the bank, the two versions - rich and poor - come with many tempting challenges.It ' s to postpone becoming your best self until you think you have the financial support to do so. "I'll be generous when I get to the top," you think. "I'll be nice when I'm not stressed." "I want to give something back to the Community live when I retire." There is no dollar amount that excludes or guarantee a good life and there is no reason to put your own greatness. You may win the lottery tomorrow, or you can lose everything. Despite some dramatic changes in your personal property, you can live a good life today.Note and enjoy your own spontaneous woos on a daily basis and look for ways to increase and to deepen.
What makes us woo tells us much about what we value and what we value all that is "good." What is "good"? ? How do we define, the British poet WH Auden said: "Goodness is easier to recognize than define." Is not truthWe know "good" when we see it, and we know when something is Woo-worthy. must be brought to wordsin constant is difficult. This is your personal philosophy comes in. Remember that your ideas about what makes life "good" comes from the people, you know, the books you read , the movies you've seen, and a host of influences, you can 't remember now.We use "good" to describe everything from a haircut to a mathematical theory. Netherlands, something "good" if it meets certain expectations we have of him - he hits the target. A "good" cup of coffee could be strong, weak, bitter, sweet, milky, smoking, black, organic, shade grown, or free, depending what you value.
What does that mean exactly? What would serve as guidelines or markers to help us determine if we are close to good? If, as Aristotle said, our goal is to live a good life and be happy, why there is no simple formula can be applied to everyone? What is the minimum Woo-quotient of a good life? We can be happy if they do not live a good life? Can you live a good life if we are not happy? What need to be happy? We all know that many people who never seem to be happy, no matter how much they have. One of our greatestchallenges as human beings is to find the amount of enough.Aristotle believes that we must use the value, honesty and moderation in the pursuit of pleasure. In his view, moral goodness and enjoyment of life as thesame. He believed it was acceptable to pursue what they want, provided you do not overdo it. The concept of moderation is called the "happy medium". Not surprisingly, the number of gold has become a popular idea, especially among the rich.
We are fascinated by the choices people make when they have the ability to live as they wish. We read magazines with pictures of celebrities houses inthe. We watch television programs, which give us tours of the properties owned by billionaires. We'reboth fascinated and repulsed by the reality show that offers riches to those who manipulate others.
Think about it, be happy, and I said to share the wealth, wit, and warmth.The good life has never felt so good.
It was exactly what they wanted to hear Remember that most students were rich ofAristotle - who else has had time to study philosophy every day? Aristotle himself became a highly paid - especially for aphilosopher

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Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient
Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient
Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient
Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient
Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient
Introduction To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient