Diet During Pregnancy

To adequate food is perhaps more important during pregnancy than at any other time during the life of the woman in the INA. As the expectant mother really share all that consumes withher unborn child, provide enough healthy food to eat and a herchild with nutrients to all your needs. For this reason, most women are advised to eat 200-300 calories a day anadditional during pregnancy and for at least 25 pounds. In general, expectant mother earns little or no relief on the first few weeks of pregnancy. By theend of the third month, but is likely to get a steady pace of about one pound aweek until the end.
RequirementsAccording The recommended dietary nutritional established by the National Academy ofSciences, pregnant women need more protein than non-pregnant women. Womenwho typically consume about 45 grams of protein per day is recommended to increase their dailyintake with 30 grams during pregnancy - the amount of protein in four cups of milk (whole orskimmed) or yogurt or four ounces of natural cheese, tuna canned or chicken. One of from 25 to 50 percentincrease in most vitamins and minerals is also recommended. To answer these nutritionalrequirements pregnant women should eat a varied diet, including daily consumption of foods from each of the four basic food groups - protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, andlegumes fish, dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt, cereal, such as bread, rice and cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Because the blood volume of a woman during pregnancy double supplement producehealthy Iron is essential for red blood cells. Since a sufficient amount of iron to meet this need not mean that diet obtainedin, doctors often prescribe iron supplements during pregnancy, at doses of 60 milligrams per 30to day. Without supplementation, women can suffer from anemia, which increasessusceptibility to infection and disease. In fact, most doctors advise pregnant women takemulti supplements, vitamins and minerals during pregnancy to ensure an adequate supply of supplements nutrients.The typically include folic acid, and in the last quarter, calcium. In some women, the special supplement of vitamins and minerals may be required. Vegetarians, for example, the additional zinc mayrequire, chromium and vitamin B12.
What medications, vitamins and minerals should not be taken without consulting the doctor.Similarly, pregnant women should limit consumption of certain foods, such as orfluids salt, if so directed by their doctors.
Materials to avoid
All drugs consumed by a pregnant woman to the fetus are to some degree. Because manyof them are known to be potentially harmful to the fetus, and others can be risky, self-medication should be avoided completely. This means that any medication, prescription or non prescription should be taken under supervision of a doctor as soon as pregnancy seems probable harm to a fetus chancesof drugs are more important in the first 10 weeks.
Among the drugs currently available have been considered inthe fetus are potentially dangerous steroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone (which is used to preventmiscarriages), and barbiturates, amphetamines and tranquilizers. Nonprescription maycause problems in pregnant women and / or children are aspirin and drugs containing iodine.These drugs found in many prescription-free products, including remedies for colds and coughs, and sleepingaids drugs that control nausea and vomiting. Many of these medicines also contain alcohol andcaffeine, substances that can cause adverse effects when consumed large quantities during pregnancy.
Alcohol has been linked to physical deformities, brain damage and growth problems in women who drink bornto children only two drinks per day. For this reason, alcohol abuse and alcoholism national Instituteon advises pregnant women to avoid alcohol completely.
The consumption of excessive amounts of caffeine that is present in coffee, tea, cola and chocolate, may be associated with an increased risk to the fetus. It makes sense to limit its use during pregnancy.
Although studies on the effects of smoking during pregnancy have focused on only a few of the 4000 compounds in cigarette smoke, smoking was clearly associated with low birth weight and infant mortality increasedrates. Smoking also increases the risk of complications from miscarriages and others. Whosmoke women should seriously consider stopping or less cut off during pregnancy. Smokingmarijuana during pregnancy has not been thoroughly investigated. The substance was found effectson a number of body systems and can pose a risk to the fetus.
Common Problems
A series of minor digestive problems may also occur during pregnancy. Often, simple changes in dietcan relief. Morning sickness, the nausea that often occurs during the first months of pregnancy can be controlled by the consumption of sweets or eating crackers, resulting in frequent small meals throughout theday. Constipation can be relieved by eating more fruits and vegetables and drink more fluids, diarrhea, an unusual demand, can be helped by eating more binding, such as rice and toast. Hearburn, which occurs during the pregnancy, the consumption of milk before eating and sleeping with the head lift Thebes. When symptoms are severe or persistent, the physician should be consulted. Areprescribed If drugs must be taken only as directed.
Diet plays an important role in the health of pregnant women and their children. Responding to increased protein demandfor, vitamins and minerals, the most anticipated mothers should eat more foods ofnutritious 200-300 calories a day. Most doctors recommend a weight gain of at least 25 pounds to run. Vitamins and mineralsupplements, especially iron and folic acid, are commonly prescribed to help ensure pregnantwoman meet the increased nutritional needs. Pregnant women should avoid excessive smoking, regular use of alcohol andexcessive amount of caffeine. Self-medication should be avoided completely, but health problems should bebrought information obtained from the instructions on medicines carefully monitored.

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Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy