5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore

This article analyzes five of the biggest myths of fat loss sounds, some of them, you shake your head in another hard not to agree. But a series of studies to support the statements, you can begin to review your training and diet ...
He recently made a presentation of about 70 women in the area of ??fat loss and methodologies we use to try to get rid of excess body fat. During my research for the talk, I discovered a large amount of material that supports my belief that most of the world were wrong in their pursuit of a slim, but a healthy body, so many of us want
It feels like the whole idea of ??fat loss is only possible with genetically gifted ...
Looking for the magic formula to eliminate body fat during the night?
Or are you still waiting for our "confidence" of pharmaceutical companies to produce the ultimate weight loss pill that will solve the problem of obesity worldwide ...
Share some facts and myths next to you will not be easy for you to stomach, I suspect you will be surprised, shocked, or maybe feel that anything I say is true.
In fact, I'm pretty sure they dispute much of what they report, then ask them to check my sources, read for yourself the studies I have cited. You will be as surprised as my audience when you really discover the truth about fat loss
Myth 1 - Skipping meals and snacks are OK, if you want to lose the fat that you eat for breakfast, lunch, strange, or maybe you do not eat at all all day, because you're "not hungry"?
There is nothing worse for your metabolism, such as irregular feeding.
Eat six meals a day, compared with only 2 meals a day of total calories for the day so will result in greater fat loss
Check the No. 1 study to find out what to eat every few hours is essential for fat loss
Myth 2 - A calorie is a calorie
Unfortunately, no.
Eating refined carbohydrates and low fat diet actually make you fatter than a diet low in carbohydrates, high fat of the same calorific value
If you think about it, we were informed by the FDA in the United States to reduce the amount of fat in our diet and replacing it with carbohydrates such as bread and pasta. The food pyramid has clearly demonstrated that
Unfortunately, it's all those refined carbohydrates, which have increased our standards of living and fats.
Study 2, evidence that a diet high in fat, in fact, resulted in more fat loss
Myth 3 - You only need to practice the "fat burning zone" to lose fat
Probably the biggest myth in the world of health and fitness today, and that drew the most gasps and shake my head in public
The area of ??burning fat that exists but is not an effective training strategy for fat loss in general.
How is this possible?
To be honest, it is not necessary to read the studies that show, you can see for yourself in the gym. How many people go to the gym after a week of weeks for months, so your workout to burn fat in the area, but never change shape?
The nail in the coffin of his Training fat burning zone is the clear no.3 study comparing a diet "group" diet and exercise "group. The exercise of 45 minutes of" burning zone fat "routine 5 days a week for 12 weeks.
The summary of the study states: The results indicate that moderate aerobic exercise over a period of 12 weeks had no discernible effect on body composition.
ie, fat burning exercises do nothing to lose body fat
Myth 4 - Calorie Counter machines are useful for fat loss ...
We've all done, waiting for the calorie counter on the treadmill or cross trainer check for 400 or 500 calories burned during exercise. Then we can feel virtuous while to put in our coffee after a workout and chocolate muffins, with the certainty that we "won" it.
Unfortunately, the calories burned during your workout is not significant when you want to lose fat
The study compared the resistance No.4-style training at a higher intensity of interval training with a total number of calories in exercise, was more than twice as much resistance as in each group.
One might think that the group would lose endurance logically more fat because they burned more calories in total? But the group apart lost nine times more fat than the endurance group
They are calorie counters in their own bikes are really useless, my advice, and cover with
Myth 5 - Crunches will get rid of abdominal fat
How many crunches do you do every day? 10, 20 ... maybe 50, 100 ... maybe more?
Every self-respecting professional competence, says that "spot reduction" does not work, if it does, all people do 100 crunches a day would be walking a perfect Six Pack, but the flabby butt and thighs, just does not work on

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5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore
5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore
5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore
5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore
5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore
5 Fat Loss Myths That You Should Not Ignore