Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People

Coffee, tea and cocoa are three main TheWorld. It is very popular in their daily lives. But coffee is a drink not agree with everyone.
The drinks as we all know, coffee, tea and cocoa arethree the most important in the world. In Western countries, coffee is leastthree-hundred years of history. Most people know the story of a shepherd who ISABOUT the origin of coffee. In the sixteenth century, beginning broughtcoffee traders as the drink is the daily life of a Westerner. Thus people from America and Canada, the love of coffee otherdrinks. But do not drink coffee, along with everyone.
Do you know the benefits of drinking coffee every day evenyou? It is well known that coffee is refreshmenteffect. When you're out of mind, you can drink a cup of coffee at refreshyour brain. You will feel revitalized. This is because coffee beansrepresent a huge source of caffeine, which can act on the central stimulant effects nervoussystem. And coffee may help prevent gallstones cirrhosisand. When you have a headache, it is good for coffee. Aresearch Indiashows shows that coffee can protect their health from radiation harmof.
On the other hand, somedisadvantages coffee or damage. Research shows that people who drink more coffee BLEVE more likely to be a smoker, alcoholist. It is linked to an increased risk of heartproblems. The search of coffee during pregnancy shows that a daily habit ofdrinking 200 milligrams of caffeine increases the risk ofmiscarriage.
Risks canincrease A cup of coffee consumption (about four cups) of osteoporosis, especially for women with a low calciumintake. Compared to those who drink less coffee, a research drinkersare coffee cup thefour more likely to get arthritis. It also shows that the effect of coffee on blood pressure hasunfavorable. It can easily increase the risk of ofhypertension for those with hypertension.
Abovediscussion evidence and concluded there are six types of people who should avoid drinkingcoffee.The The first group are those who suffer from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, do not drink coffee. It could be a danger to cardiovascular.Coffee could reduce the limestone that isthe reason osteopenia of the disease. Thus, older women should not drink more coffee.
Coffee can cause a miscarriage or fetalanomaly pregnant women, if they drink more than 200 milligrams per day.There not good for people with beriberi (or lack of vitamin B1), a cup of coffee. Vitamin B1 is a good balanceand the stability of the nervous system. But coffee can destroy balance.People suffered from stomach problems shouldnot drink coffee.The the last person has cancer. Risk iscancer coffee, although you are welcome to people.In short, coffee is adrink with a mixture of compounds that are both beneficial to human health and the harmfuleffects. You should see the amount of coffeeinstead drinking the same coffee. As they say more than half full.

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Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People
Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People
Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People
Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People
Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People
Coffee Is Not A Healthy Drink For People