Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar

Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar

With a gourmet coffee costs almost as much as a sandwich for lunch these days, more and more people are making their coffee at home, "old fashioned" drip coffee maker. Thanks to Starbucks and other providers out there, a jar of coffee or can not work anymore. The coffee has become the second most valuable item of international trade on the back of oil. Globally, coffee lovers drink 2250000000 cups a day to satisfy this thirst, coffee farmers the world, annually produces about 6 million tons of green coffee beans and send them to thousands of coffee roasters around the world. People who drink coffee, ranging from those who are only interested in the caffeine "buzz" the true enthusiast, who, like connieseurs wine, are concerned about the color, taste, quality and taste.
Whether you order a cup of "Joe", some hot "java" or a macchiato coffee, the main ingredient is the coffee bean. Coffee starts at a tree in a warm climate where rainfall is about 50 centimeters per year, the soil is well drained and preferably volcano (which is why Hawaii Kona coffee is so popular). The coffee fruit is called a "cherry" and is suitable red color. The heart of cherry, usually two grains are separated from the envelope by hand and then air and sun-dried. Separate the grains from their outer shell, called "hulling" is done either mechanically or manually. These green beans, as they are now known, has a lifespan of about two years.
The mythical story of the discovery of coffee and its use by humans, has an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi. Kaldi watched in awe and amusement that his sheep were behaving strangely whenever ate the bright red fruit of a particular plant. He tried the berries and was suddenly alert and energetic. The next day, Kaldi reported his experience as a Muslim holy man to a nearby monastery who later gathered some berries was found to have a bitter taste. Hoping to improve their taste, they will burn in a fire, smashed with a stone and boiled in water. Almost immediately after testing his new concoction, his brain became more active and was able to stay awake all night without being tired in the morning. The news of this miraculous berry drink quickly spread throughout the Middle East and in the 16th century, European travelers praised the drink in their newspapers. The secret was
Most of the gourmet coffee is made from Arabica beans, resulting in a rich, coffee, providing an intense flavor experience rewarding. Robus Unlike coffee, which is considered inferior to the taste, aroma and body, Arabica grows at higher altitudes which means they take longer to mature thus allowing the grain to produce more oil coffee flavor, resulting in notable . With the likes, including candy, chocolate, nutty, earthy, spicy or floral, gourmet coffee has something for almost everyone.
It's the roasting process, but correctly described as an art and a science that is crucial to the success of any coffee. Roasting coffee beans gives their characteristic dark color and intense aroma. Heat cracks the beans, releasing the rich oils hidden inside. Roasting at a temperature that is too low, and beans are sour. Stege too hot and beans are roasted with a taste of wood ash. Produce espresso dark roast, while the lighter roasted coffee in the morning give more softness.
Grinding of coffee, another crucial step in preparing the "perfect" cup must be made at the last possible moment, just before brewing. Tools should be clean and cold water and untreated. A good rule of thumb is a ratio of about one tablespoon of ground coffee for six ounces of water. Of course, individual tastes vary, adjust accordingly.
The Internet is a huge source of fine gourmet coffee drinker. In addition to buying the largest online beans in the world, is easily the various accessories needed to prepare the perfect drink. Coffee can be both a food and joy and a little help perfect the ingredients can be easily collected.
PS In Italy, espresso is considered so important in everyday life, that the price controls the government.

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Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar
Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar
Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar
Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar
Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar
Coffee - Everything You Need To Know Arabica To Zanzibar