Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?

What to do with ... Tell me if you have already done this: It's Monday ... You have decided ... From now on you ... 1) eat well, and 2) start to become regular ex
The remains of what to do?
Well, tell me if you have already done: It's Monday night
afternoon. It was decided yesterday that you were starting today
go to: 1) eat well, and 2) to start exercising regularly, and
3) withdraw all their bad habits. As is collecting things
around the house and begin to notice all the small pieces and
pieces of the wreckage of the past weekend. That is, the cookies here
and small pieces of candy there. In my house today, I noticed that I had
three large shortbread cookies (I'm too fond of pastry
cookies with icing), several bags of candy that resemble real
stones, which I must say I want to put a vase, but not
only found the vessel on the right (for viewing, you know), and
construction in the latest summer picnic, which in my case
about five pounds of fruit salad - not bad in itself, but I can
eat as a fruit salad.
And then there's the wine
Of course, I had to buy wine at a tasting on Saturday (I
always buy it, do not know why I think these tastings are
so much - they always entice me to buy), and now
We have an open bottle waiting.
So my thoughts are: "Should I eat this or not?" "Should I shoot
and waste it? "" Oh, dear no. It's not a good idea: "I
think about it. Oh, I just mentioned is also a whole pot
large cinnamon rolls (Cinnabon style) I made Friday night.
They will soon be obsolete. It is not good. It would be so ashamed
throw them all away, and I only ate one.
And so on. I can speak for myself to eat the last vestiges of
weekend that will probably Tuesday and Wednesday
with the taste of weekend indulgence still on my lips, or I
decide, really decide, I've had enough? It's time to eat better,
I just said last night. Remember last night? It therefore seems
long now ...
What if we just start tomorrow?
And 'interesting how easily we talk now, that
We decided yesterday was a good idea. So what's the problem
with just starting tomorrow? The bad news is that tomorrow will be
is. It 's always today, right now. You will never get that
Tomorrow elusive. Yes, the date on the calendar changes, but
where you are here now, are still there,
present. You can not live in the past, you can not live in
the future. You can not live in the moment.
Decide Right Now: What do you want?
So if you want to decide and decide now. What do you do
want, really want for yourself? Want to follow
Pamper yourself on every trip, or you want to make one
discipline a little 'more and see if you can get in better shape?
This is not what you will be missing is what you want
gain. Better health, more energy, endurance. You will feel better
You will look better. That's all you're going to win, but in the

Pictures/SnapShot :
Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?
Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?
Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?
Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?
Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?
Weight Loss: Are You A Man Can Garbage?