71 Weight Loss Tips

Take responsibility and understand, you are just because you decided to be a FAT
Here is a collection of tips 71 weight loss that should be incorporated into the design, without losing weight.
1. Drink more water. Water eliminates toxins and make you feel full.
2. Cut out all soft drinks. Even a diet of them. Drink water instead.
3. Eat fresh fruit instead of fruit juice full of sugar
4. Every morning when you wake up drink a glass of water immediately
5. Improve fiber intake
6. Include watermelons and other fruits filled with water
7th Before each meal, drink a glass of water. It will help you eat less
8. Eat plenty of vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc.
9. Do not eat until it is complete. Eat until you're 80% full
10. Use a small plate. It's a way to trick the mind into thinking you're more
11th If you snack between meals snack on nuts, celery or other vegetables
12. Stick to black tea / coffee. Tea coffee
13th Cut fried foods. Big NO NO
14th Do not skip meals
15. Eat 4-6 small meals per day, compared to three
16th Try to eat breakfast within 45 minutes after waking
17th Choose fresh vegetables cooked or more may be
18. Creating eating schedule and try to stick to it
19th Drink wine instead of beer
20. Choose white meat over to read the meat. Fish, birds, and the chicken is better than beef and pork
21st Use the stairs instead of the elevator
22. Find something you love to do 3 times a week - walking, dancing, etc
23. Keep a diary of your progress
24th Set a goal
25. Follow the 90/10 rule - Watch what you eat 90% of the time and the other 10% does not matter
26th Adjust your expectations properly - small set short-and long-term goals
27th Try not to eat 1 hour before bedtime
28. Have at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night
29. Add the garlic and onions meals
30th Make your lunch at home
31. Avoid trans fats
32. Turn off the TV while eating. We eat more when the TV is off
33. When the desire for carbohydrates to eat an apple instead of
34th When you're in the supermarket's staff for exterior walkways
35. Buy a pedometer and walk 10 000 per day. Most people do not
36. Avoid sauces
37. Buy tuna in water, not oil
Carrots and hummus 38th is a great snack when you are hungry
39. If you choose the Veggie pizza
40th Weigh yourself regularly
41st Eat slowly does not eat so fast that you do not know when you're full
42nd roast meat or grilled
43. Buy a book to learn what the calorie in your food
44th Take your vitamins
45. Bring a shopping list to trade. Get in and out
46. Start reading food labels
47th Chew sugarless gum
48. Chicken or beef sauted instead of oil use

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71 Weight Loss Tips
71 Weight Loss Tips
71 Weight Loss Tips
71 Weight Loss Tips
71 Weight Loss Tips
71 Weight Loss Tips